However, it is not necessarily the machine made golden jewelleries have the better quality. Machine crafted golden jewelleries are often more brittle than the hand-made one, meaning they will be more difficult to be reshaped after made. With the decreasing number of professional craftmen in gold industry to hand craft the golden Dragon & Phoenix jewelleries, the price of hand-crafted Dragon & Phoenix jewelleries had became increasingly expensive.
Motif and Meaning Behind Dragon and Phoenix Jewellery
Dragon and Phoenix is the symbol of eternity. They are also a part of the important element in the Chinese tradition. They are the symbol of everlasting love and the ultimate symbol of marital happiness.
They ensure that a newlywed couple will be blessed with both patriarch and matriarch luck, outstanding achievement in life, great fortune and prosperity with many filial offsprings.
There are two quotes related to Dragon & Phoenix Jewellery, which are 龙凤呈祥 and 情比金坚, where the former one wish for love and harmony for the couple, the latter one wish for stable relationship.